Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Baptist Creation Care" aka Genesis 1:28-30

This morning I signed my name to a Southern Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative. Read it and you'll see that the declaration stops short of giving specific directions to SBC Christians as to how we should now act on these issues. I think the following short list outlines a minimal number of prudent actions Denver/Boulder-Area Christians should now take:
  1. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle as much as you can.
  2. Take steps to reduce home energy use (turn off lights & appliances, get a programmable thermostat, purchase high-efficiency furnaces, water heaters, etc.)
  3. Combine car trips to reduce how much driving you do.
  4. Walk, Bike, & use public transportation when possible.
  5. Keep studying the issues and talking about them with your Christian friends.
There may be other steps we need to take to act morally and obey God's cultural mandate in Genesis 1:28-30. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

6. Baptize in a river/lake/pond
7. Buy choir robes from consignment shop
8. Reuse grease from Brotherhood Men's breakfast to fuel church bus
9. Reuse baptist SS materials from 60's.
10. Boycott Disney

obsessiveskier said...

Dear anonymous,

I like your sense of humor. Thanks for giving me a good laugh this afternoon. I needed that.


PS: I'm with you on 6 thru 9, but I just can't boycott Disney.

Becky said...

Is Disney anti-environmental in a particularly harmful way?

I like 8 and 9.

Looks good to me. If I had a spare ten minutes, I'd go read the SBC pact and give you my $0.02, but... sadly... no spare ten minutes.

Hopefully I'll see you in a week at the egg hunt. :)