Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dodging Bull Elk

Last night about 10:30pm, our trusty MPV dodged a bull elk about this size. We had just turned left at Fort Garland and were headed south toward San Luis, on our way to Meg's folks place in Northern New Mexico. With a nearly full moon and clear sky we could see him very well against the snowy sagebrush. He was about the size of a moose. Huge. Definitely would have set off the airbags if we had hit him. But he was moving across the highway at about 30 MPH himself, so it turned out well for all of us.

Today, we are hanging out with Meg's folks in Red River, New Mexico. It's our favorite little cowboy ski town. I'm paying $2/hour to use the wireless internet at the Mountain Treasures coffee shop and art gallery. And it's still snowing!

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