I returned home from the Together for the Gospel conference tonight. It was everything I expected and more. Here are some of my T4G take-aways/applications.
1) A renewed conviction that biblical & systematic theology is essential for life & ministry. Thank you, Ligon Duncan.
2) A growing sensitivity to ethnicity and at the same time a solid rejection of the concept of racial discontinuity based on human biology, since the Bible teaches so clearly that all human beings are descendants of Adam's fallen race, no matter our ethnicity or culture. Thank you, Thabiti Anyabwile.
3) A growing hope for church-planting & pastoring in Colorado and across the world. Thank you future Christchurch interns, Philip, Eric, Hilary, & Tom. Thanks also to Elizabeth, Jerilyn and Nikki.
4) A longer-term perspective on pastoring. Thanks, Charlie Davis.
5) A more clear and complete historical theological perspective on the current assaults on the essential gospel doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement. Thank you, Al Mohler.
6) A passionate reminder that God creates radical Christian sacrifice by enabling us to treasure our greater future reward in heaven -- Christ -- more than the stuff of the world. Thank you, John Piper.
7) Clear teaching on how to be a more joyful pastor. Thank you, C.J. Mahaney.
8) A big stack of books. Thanks, T4G conference staff and publishers and authors!
9) A lingering echo of singing loud songs to God with more than 5000 others. Thank you, my brothers and sisters who gathered at T4G.
10) A reminder of how great the gospel of Jesus Christ is, and how vast and free is the love of God. Thank you, Jesus.