Sunday, January 20, 2008

Kids and Cows

There's nothing quite like the feeling of stepping in some _______ at the National Western Stock Show.

If you've never been, you need to go.

Last night, after years of negotiations, I was finally able to convince my fancy-schmancy brother (in Summit County for a long ski weekend) to come down out of the high country long enough to show his kids some real Western culture.

We browsed the cattle sales, ate barbeque, saw the Wild West Show, and even ended up with some lassos and hats!

Who do you think is happiest? Anna, cousin Peter, or Ole' Bessie?

It took four of them, but together they were able to keep this bovine monster under control.

See what you've been missing!?!

We're going back for the SUPER DOGS show on Tuesday night. I can't wait.

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