Friday, February 8, 2008

What I'm Not Doing Much Lately

Not to complain, but frankly it's been a couple of weeks since I've been skiing and I'm getting ants in my pants. Here's an example of what I've not been doing much of lately. Maybe tomorrow...


Agnus said...

0532 am???
Sounds like your not sleeping much either!

obsessiveskier said...

Well, thanks for noticing! I fell asleep at 10pm last night and woke up at 5am. Read my Bible, prayed, blogged until 5:45am. Went to the gym at 6am and spent an hour above 130bpm to burn some fat. Got home at 7:50am just in time to wave to my girls as they headed off to school. After a quick "staff meeting" with the Meg-ster, I'm now in the office preparing for Sunday, and formulating strategies for recruiting a core of Christians to join with us at Christchurch.

How did you sleep last night?